Monday, April 14, 2014

My Romance with the Bromance

1.  a close non-sexual relationship between two (or more) men

  1. I am very excited to talk about this particular subject because I don't think guys understand how absolutely precious a bromance is to women. They know that we want to just melt to the floor in a sticky puddle of mushy gushy when watching our favorite romances like the Titanic (still swooning over Leo), they know that we want to nuzzle our faces into puppies fur for forever and ever because, really, we've all had that moment when we are snuggling up to a pup and literally don't ever want the moment to end and fight the urge to put the poor guy in a submission hold out of purely selfish reasons. They also know that every time we see a baby we want to pinch their little cheeks off, and make the most ridiculous noises that we never knew we could make. 

    And yes, the "bromance", my gents, fits in this very same category for us.

    Why? Well, lets look at American culture for one. The majority of American boys have been taught at a young age that their masculinity is extremely vital in being a male in this world. Being told to "be a man" and to "grow some balls" has significantly influenced men in how they behave, which has them holding in their emotions most of the time rather than expressing them, especially with other guys. A lot of men are hyper aware of how they are portraying their masculinity, afraid of showing any hint of femininity or homosexuality (remember that saying: "no homo" guys?). 

    So, for us ladies, when we see a guy actually letting all his emotions go, and showing his true love and admiration for his bestest bud we go coo-coo bananas. We EAT UP THAT SHIT like goddamn froyo. It shows your comfortable in your own skin, it shows you live life to the fullest, and it shows that you are an open person... all of which make you extremely attractive. 

    Yes, those brooding, bad-ass, mysterious guys can be hot too, but they are usually the object of our desire because we want to crack them open, but in most cases that never ends up happening and we find ourselves shoving three-day-old chinese food down our throats sitting in the same sweatpants we've been in for an entire week screaming to ourselves "WHY COULDN'T HE JUST LET ME IN" with noodles falling out of our mouths like drool. 

    I'd have to say that my absolute favorite public display of bromance-dom is that of Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake. I don't even want to admit the amount of time I've spent on youtube watching anything that involves the two of them together. If you haven't watched any of them, DO SO NOW. Your heart will grow three times its size! They are the perfect representation of what a bromance is. First off, they are both hilarious, but when they are together their jokes bounce off each other so well and they will go so far with a joke that you forget what they were even talking about. Like any best buds would do.

    I love encountering bromances when I am out in about in the city. I can sense the bromance like radar, and when I detect a bromantic situation occurring, I immediately have to stop everything I am doing so I can just watch and marvel in it's beauty. It's like catching a shooting star as it arcs across the deep blue sky. It's rare to witness it, but it happens all the time.

    So guys, embrace the bromance. Be bromantic. Feel the love and give it right back because it makes so many of us happy. I can confidently say that if I was dying and taking my last breaths on this earth and saw a bromance happening, I can't lie to you...
    I would die fulfilled.

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